This is the place I vent my frustration out. So if you looking for sugary sweet things, STAY AWAY!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Her New Year Wish List

The New Year has arrived, burying the previous year deep into the ground. Is it just me or some of you, too, feel that the new year will bring in.... a "new me" in us?? Maybe, maybe not. Every new year's eve, while the entire world in busy partying and searching for partners to kiss as the clock strikes 12 am, and while my bespectacled mother is engrossed in watching those new year dance programmes on the tube....I lie on my bed, with the lights of my room shut out....the door locked, thinking how the year whizzed past by and what became of it.....A few historical events took place in the year 2009...but I am not getting into all that. As each day passes, it becomes clearer to me that this world is losing its charm. I know we are at a peak now, with all the inventions and development.....blah blah blah.....but just look at the larger picture. What have we humans become?? What have I become?? Four years ago, I was this happy-go-lucky kid, full of life, full of hope.....ready to do anything for a friend, eager to fall in love, etc etc. Now four years later, I am exactly the opposite. I have had people in my life who were completely selfish, who took things for granted, who didn't care about people's feelings, and who had a twisted idea about love and friendship. Today's 'cynical me' can no longer recognize or relate to that 'wishful girl' of the past. Today, I am bringing her in....just for today....and asking her to wish for a few things that she feels the people should change about is what she has to say....

I want people to believe in goodness. I want people to believe in karma.....and no, I am NOT running for any of the beauty pageants this year....nor am I endorsing the teachings of the late Mother Teresa (May she rest in peace).

I want people to have faith in love.....I know people have lost hope in true love. It's more of lust than love, most of you say. People are discouraged because love happened to fail them once in their lives....."I will never be able to love another guy", she cribs....or "She betrayed me, now I will never trust a girl in my life, I will fool around with many girls-that's safer " , he sneers.....
I listen to them and SIGH!!!

I want people to pause and absorb the beauty around us.....People who are too engaged in their work, while racing towards their never-ending finish lines of competition......take a breath of fresh air.....and just BE for a while.
Ahem....sounds a little like 3 Idiots? Guilty.

As I finished reading what she had written till now.....I couldn't help but snigger.... "What a shit load of crap!!! hahaha....what's next??"

And Whoosh!....I realised...the wishful little girl had vanished into thin air......